image of grass after lawn care

Do It Now: The Importance Of Aerating Your Lawn….

It’s one of the most common questions in the lawn and landscape industry.  That is:  “Is aeration really a good idea, and when’s the best time to do it?”

Well, for years we’ve shared the advantages of “plugging” your lawn, your turf, in order to bring  more water, nutrients, and air to the vital growing region of grass plants…to break up compacted soil and help with the composting process of “thatch” that comes with years of repeated mowing.

And, to the issue of when’s the best time to actually “aerate” your lawn, we share with numerous clients who call in the spring that March and April are the “second best” months of the year to do it.  But ideally, the best time is now, in November, and early December, before freeze, thereby allowing your lawn to “heal” (the holes to close in) all winter long.

The advantages are numerous.

It’s good for the fact of fall moisture and nutrients being better absorbed, where they can provide an early spring burst come March and April.

And it’s particularly good for the fact of creating valuable space for “new” and deeper root growth by breaking up compacted soil.  A three-inch ‘plug’ displacement now ensures that your lawn will stay greener and healthier in next year’s hot months, July and August.  This is why nearly every golf course aerates.  It keeps turf healthier and more durable during periods of stress.

But the thing that most overlook…is simply the value of additional oxygen and air-borne nitrogen from the atmosphere getting into the ground where their values are innumerable, and far more efficient, and effective, over commercial substitutes.

So yes, there are many reasons to ‘plug’, or aerate your lawn, and a picture (as the illustration above) is worth a thousand words – for the sake of visualization.  ‘Cause photos don’t lie.

And if you still have questions pertaining to your lawn, feel free to give us a call.  Advice is free.  Not knowing, in any case, can really be expensive.